Welcome to the new folkdancesac.org website. The Sacramento International Folk Dance and Arts Council (SIFDAC) has dissolved and their website has been retired. I have kept the domain name, and will be continuing to post information about international folk dance and music events in the greater Sacramento area.
SIFDAC will be greatly missed. Thank you to all who served as officers, committee members, webmanagers, event organizers and volunteers, and in other roles over the years. If you are feeling nostalgic and would like to visit the old site, it is ARCHIVED on the Wayback Machine.
WHERE TO DANCE is the heart of this site, listing local folk dance clubs and classes that meet on a regular basis. Special events and extra information about particular regular class sessions appear in the CALENDAR.
Information and Tickets: peacethroughdance.org
Information and Registration: kolofestival.org
Croatian American Cultural Center, 60 Onandaga Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112.
Thursdays, 10:00 AM to NOON
Campus Commons Clubhouse, lower level, "Tile Room"
650 Commons Dr., Sacramento, CA 95825
Plenty of FREE parking in nearby lot. If the lot is full, you can park on streets for two hours.
Easy international folk dances from Eastern Europe, Israel, France, Russia, and beyond . . . Class is designed for beginners and experienced dancers who want to do easier dances. No partners needed. All dances are taught or reviewed.
FREE! but donations are welcome.
Nice and cool. Bring your own water or ice tea. Name tags are helpful.
Health recommendations: Please be fully vaccinated for Covid. Masks are optional.
Teacher: Barbara Bevan, 916-923-1555 or dancesong20@att.net